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Quaker Resources

If you are new to the Quaker world, welcome! The Quaker world is geographically and theologically diverse, but there are many places that are affirming and have been for decades.​


See our Instagram Spotlight, Quakers by the Numbers (and test your Quaker knowledge!) here

Friends of LGBTQ Concerns


Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns is a North American Quaker faith community that affirms that of God in all people.


Gathering twice yearly for worship and play, we draw sustenance from each other and from the Spirit for our work and life in the world. We are learning that radical inclusion and radical love bring further light to Quaker testimony and life.


Read our Instagram Spotlights here and here

The Black Quaker Project

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The BlackQuaker Project (1) celebrates the lives and contributions of Quakers of Color worldwide and (2) documents and addresses their concerns. It is an outreach and inreach ministry of Wellesley Friends Meeting, guided by the Quaker testimonies of Truth, Peace, Equality, Community and Justice.


Read our Instagram Spotlight here

Quakers Today podcast


Quakers Today features writers, musicians, and thinkers seeking wisdom and understanding in a rapidly changing world. We do not pretend to have all the answers. Instead, we have a place where you can hear people speak from the heart, grapple with faith, and share the insights they have found along the way. It is also a place where you can share your insights, reflections, and questions.


Hosted by Peterson Toscano, he/him and Miche Mcall they/them, Quakers Today is a project of The Friends Publishing Corporation.


See our Instagram Spotlight here

QuakerSpeak videos


QuakerSpeak is a bi-weekly Quaker video project by Friends Journal.


See our Instagram Spotlight here

Pendle Hill


Pendle Hill is a study, retreat, and conference center

located on 24 tranquil acres in the heart of a Quaker community near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The grounds are open to the public seven days a week,

including a mile-long wood chip trail.


Running for over 90 years, this ‘holy experiment’ provides lectures and presentations, conferences and institutes, weekend workshops and retreats, short courses, and the 90-year-old Pendle Hill Pamphlet series.


Read our Instagram Spotlight here.

Open Table Friends


We exist as an inclusive, affirming, and innovative community of faith who follow Jesus' example of welcoming everyone to the table.


Because so many of us have been wounded by, gate-kept, gaslit, and straight-up excluded from many local parishes and congregations, Open Table Friends Church explicitly AFFIRMS and CELEBRATES people who haven’t yet found a safe group to worship with. This is an important part of our story and a significant part of who we are.

Quaker Voluntary Service


QVS is an experiment, living at the intersection of transformational spirituality and activism. Young adults work full-time in professional positions at community based organizations addressing a wide range of issues, while living in a cooperative house and worshiping with, and being mentored by, local Quakers.


Fellows receive housing, transportation, food, support for health and wellness (including access to health insurance if needed), and a small stipend, while engaging in regular self-led workshops and retreats that allow for continuing education in social justice, faith, and community building topics


See our Instagram Spotlight here

Thee Quaker podcast


Thee Quaker Podcast brings stories of spiritual courage to your ears.


Quakers (aka the Religious Society of Friends) have always wrestled with big questions in their search for spiritual truth. Thee Quaker Podcast is a continuation of that 400-year-old tradition — we’re digging deep to search for innovative stories that explore themes of faith, conviction, and doubt.


See our Instagram Spotlight here

The Separation Generation series


The Separation Generation series has three volumes, each focusing on different yearly meetings:

Indiana Trainwreck (2020), Murder at Quaker Lake (2020), and Shattered by the Light (2021).


They are coauthored by Steven Angell, Chuck Fager, and Jade Souza and originated as articles on the Quaker Theology website.


See our Instagram Spotlight here

Rainbow dots in a circle, Affirming Quakers logo.
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